What Is a Gray Jedi?
There have always been two interpretations of the term "Gray Jedi." The term "Gray Jedi" was first used by Sith and Jedi. It refers to Force users who do not strictly follow the beliefs of either side. These men and women work for harmony between the Light and dark sides of the Force within themselves.
Jedi who leave the Jedi High Council and operate outside the Jedi Code's framework are called gray Jedi in the secondary sense. Gray Jedi rarely joined the Jedi High Council or held important leadership positions within the Order.
The High Council usually picked traditional Jedi. These Jedi followed the Jedi Code in their actions and values. The conservative Jedi were worried that being unsure about the force could lead someone to the dark side.
All Gray Jedi could use their Light and Dark side Force abilities, even though the phrase did not mention them by name. The Sith Order showed full commitment to the Dark side, just like the Jedi did to the Light. Because of this, the Sith were never seen as Gray Jedi.
On rare occasions, people referred to nonconformist or unconventional Jedi who deviated from the Jedi Order by this label. They might call Jedi those who dared to question the status quo or reject moral dogmas.
For example, Master Qui-Gon Jinn was often called a Gray Jedi by the Jedi Order. This was because he often disagreed with the High Council. If he believed it would benefit the galaxy and its free peoples, he was occasionally known to defy direct commands and go rogue, enforcing his will.
The phrase "Gray Jedi" was also used to describe a group of rebel Jedi known as the Gray Paladins. These people were proud of how little they depended on the Force.
They used blasters instead. However, they often followed the Jedi Code. They also took part in lightsaber battles.
History of the Gray Jedi
The Jedi went from being very strong to almost extinct. This decline happened between the start of the Great Sith War in 4000 BBY and the end of the Dark Wars in 3951 BBY.
As conflict erupted throughout the galaxy, several Jedi concluded that a centralized government was necessary. The Council, which had members like Vrook Lamar and Atris, changed the Jedi Code. They did this to gain more power over the Jedi Order. They also made stricter rules for members to follow.
Not every Jedi was eager to heed the orders of this new leadership. Both the Jedi and Sith Orders came to refer to these people as Gray Jedi since they regularly disagreed with the Jedi Council.
The Jedi Chief Librarian, Restelly Quist, authored a lengthy essay about Gray Jedi in the Jedi handbook, The Jedi Path, shortly after the New Sith Wars concluded in 1000 BBY. Quist portrayed Gray Jedi as independent thinkers who threatened the Jedi Order.
Gray Jedi made frequent use of the Force's Dark Side. Still, it did not consume them.
Gray Jedi did not fully commit to either side of the Force; instead, they balanced their affiliation. Indeed, many Gray Jedi disapproved of people who dedicated their lives to a lifestyle prioritizing the Dark side.
Gray Jedi frequently used Light and Dark side Force talents to showcase their abilities. For instance, the ability to create a lightsaber from the ground up and special Force abilities like Force lightning. Gray Jedi had no loyalty to any side and frequently considered the Force a tool to carry out their will.
Though they were frequently perceived as evil people rather than rouges, Gray Jedi did not belong to the Light Side of the Force and were not corrupted by the Dark Side. In some groups within the Force, members did not call Jedi who turned to the Dark Side and then returned Gray Jedi. This also applies to those who were changed by the Dark Side.
Gray Jedi may not admit it, but being part of the Dark Side of the Force means they carry evil. This is what other species in the galaxy believe. This might be connected to the legend and mystery surrounding the Gray Jedi and those identifying as them.
Grey Jedis: Lightsabers and Combat Style
Qui Gon Jinn
- Birth: 92 BBY
- Species: Human, male
- Homeworld: Coruscant
Bio: I was brought up in the capital of the galaxy's Jedi Temple. Count Dooku, the best swordsman in the Jedi Order, took him under his tutelage when Jinn was ten years old. After becoming a Jedi Knight, Gin trained four Padawans: Feemor, Xanatos, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and lastly, Anakin Skywalker.
Chosen Saber: Green Lightsaber
Fighting Style: Qui-Gon became one of the best swordsmen in the Order while learning under Count Dooku. He sparred with Anoon Bondara, Mace Windu, and Dooku regularly.
Jinn concentrated on understanding the fourth lightsaber combat form, Ataru, as he attained knighthood. Ataru is renowned for his base's strength and might. It favors power and grounded balance over flourishes and acrobatics.
In contrast to his fencing Master, Dokuu, Qui Gon uses powerful, two-handed blows and cuts. Although Jinn's Ataru is a physically demanding fighting style, his massive and muscular build made it the perfect fit. Although Jinn was not very good at deflecting blaster fire, she was competent and self-assured enough to do it regularly. When Ataru has room to maneuver and can take broad sweeps, he is perfect versus multiple opponents.
Maintaining stamina is crucial since the style relies on outlasting opponents rather than slowly destroying them through force. Jinn had to rely on his instincts and years of training to get an advantage as he grew older and his physical strength decreased.
Force Power: Qui-Gon was renowned for his prowess in battle and wisdom. He adhered to the theory of the "Living Force," which emphasizes the movement of the force in the here and now as opposed to the force as a whole.
His ability to manipulate minds is part of his Force power. He frequently employed telekinetic abilities including saber throw, force push, force pull, and tranquility. His skill at force persuasion was so great that he could even mentally fool a Hutt, who was supposed to be immune to force trickery.
Jolee Bindo
- Birth: Date unknown; the era is the Old Republic, approximately 3996 BBY
- Species: Human, male
- Homeworld: Kashyyyk
Bio: Having been trained in the Jedi Temple since childhood, Jolee frequently ran afoul of the Jedi High Council. He routinely disobeyed them to carry out his moral convictions. Many Jedi, including Bindo's wife, fell prey to the Dark Side during the Exar Kun conflict.
When she attempted to transform Bindo, he resisted and chose to duel her. He let her go because, even with the upper hand, he could not bring the woman he loved down. Many brave Jedi Knights lost their lives due to this decision to set her free in the ensuing battle. The consequences were sufficient punishment for Jolee's acts; therefore, the Council declined to convict him.
Jolee abandoned the Jedi path and exiled himself, making his way to Kashyyk when they offered to make him a knight. He stayed there for decades until Darth Lord Revan found him, and they became friends.
Chosen Saber: Yellow Lightsaber
Fighting Style: Although Bindo was a Jedi Counselor, a Jedi who concentrated on the force, he was not a very good combatant. Jolee, a skilled blademan, would not stand out among his colleagues. That being said, he was a terrifying warrior in comparison to non-Jedi. His time in the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk improved his survival skills. He learned to fight without using lightsabers.
Force Powers: Jolee was a skilled force user with Light and Dark force abilities. Because of his ability to control his emotions, he could access the darker aspects of the force without worrying about becoming corrupted. Using Jedi Mind Tricks like Force Persuade, Force Confusion, and Force Horror was one of his specialties. In addition, he was skilled in Force Lightning, a force that the Jedi of the Light detest and fear.
Rey (Speculation)
- Birth: 15 ABY
- Species: Human, Female
- Homeworld: Jakku
Bio: Rey was left to fend for herself after being abandoned by her family at an early age, foraging and surviving in the harsh desert world of Jakku. Rey embarks on a mission to support the Rebellion fight the Empire after meeting the droid BB8. She uncovers her significant and dormant Force abilities along the journey
Force Powers: Rey is a force to be reckoned with and has so much potential. Luke claims at one point that he only knew his father, another force user, to possess such strength. Rey spent a limited period learning from Master Luke Skywalker, which sharpened her innate intuition and force powers. Because it takes a certain amount of strength, she may form Force Bonds, which is uncommon among force users. Her power to control people and objects has increased dramatically, and it's unclear right now what her maximum strength is
Chosen Saber: Blue Lightsaber, formerly Luke Skywalker’s Lightsaber
Fighting Style: With the electric Quarterstaff Vibrostaff, Rey was a skilled and intuitive user. She started basic training after receiving Luke Skywalker's lightsaber as her inheritance. Despite being a novice, she shows a natural aptitude and talent with the saber, but she is far from being skilled enough to be regarded as a master.
Force Powers: Rey is a force to be reckoned with and has so much potential. Luke claims at one point that he only knew his father, another force user, to possess such strength. Rey spent a limited period learning from Master Luke Skywalker, which sharpened her innate intuition and force powers. Because it takes a certain amount of strength, she may form Force Bonds, which is uncommon among force users. Her power to control people and objects has increased dramatically, and it's unclear right now what her maximum strength is.