How Are Jedi Lightsabers Made in the Star Wars Universe?
The lightsaber is not, by any means, a mass-produced accessory in the canon of Star Wars. Each lightsaber is made by and therefore associated with, a particular person. If the original owner of the saber is known, it usually remains connected to them. This is true even if the saber is later owned by someone else.
When people say "Rey's lightsaber" or "Luke's green lightsaber," true fans immediately understand what they mean. These lightsabers are all handmade; none were produced on a production line.
While each lightsaber is made uniquely, creating one generally adheres to well-established rules. Jedi can build their lightsabers by following various traditions and rules that have been created over time. Finding the correct lightsaber crystal, sometimes called a kyber crystal, is one of the most crucial tasks for Jedi.
The Gathering
It's a momentous occasion when Jedi younglings first get to handle their lightsaber. It's not just given to them, though. As per the Jedi customs, they must undertake a unique journey to the frigid planet Ilum to obtain a kyber crystal from the intricate Crystal Cave. This is the Gathering, a Jedi rite of passage.
The lightsaber gets its power from a kyber crystal, which also fuels the plasma blade that comes out of the hilt's emitter. Cyber crystals are rare materials found on different planets in the galaxy. Younglings must get their cyber from the Crystal Cave as part of tradition.
Young Jedi trainees in the Crystal Cave face powerful illusions created by the Force to help them overcome their fears and doubts. Successful younglings discover that the Force draws them to a particular crystal tuned to them. When the crystal is attuned to the Jedi initiate, it changes from its natural colourless form to a permanent blue or green colour.
The youngling leaves Ilum with a kyber crystal. They will use it to build their lightsaber. The famous droid architect, Professor Huyang, is guiding them.
Other Methods of Lightsaber Construction
It is possible to construct Jedi lightsabers outside of the Gathering, and in fact, this happens frequently. Jedi occasionally have to make a new lightsaber to replace a misplaced or broken one. For example, Luke Skywalker assembled his renowned green lightsaber following his father's saber loss in the Cloud City duel.
As a symbol of a shift in rank, skilled Jedi can also construct a new lightsaber, as Mace Windu did when he attained a senior position in the Jedi Council. His unique purple blade reflected his honourable rank. Finding a kyber crystal is still required for Jedi to power their lightsabers.
The Assembly Process
There are numerous ways to assemble the lightsaber's handle from any material that is appropriate for the job. People often use metal, but they can also choose strong alternatives like the durable wood from the Brylark tree. Similar to this, manufacturers typically source the saber's internal parts from a variety of places. These components are more common than the kyber crystal.
What occurs, then, once you have all the components? Everything you need for a functional lightsaber includes your emitter, focusing crystal, kyber crystal, pommel, field energizer, stabilizing ring, flux aperture, activation stud, and everything else. The only thing left to do is assemble these parts to function as a unit. You'll need the Force for that.
The Jedi should meditate. Then, they should carefully assemble the lightsaber parts. They should follow the Force's guidance to ensure each piece fits well and is in the right position. This process takes several months; restoring a lightsaber to functional order might take several months.
However, there's no alternative method for creating a Jedi lightsaber. A lightsaber can only be correctly formed by the Force, fulfilling its ancient role as the Jedi's all-purpose hardware.
Getting a lightsaber on Earth is a much simpler process. To find the best lightsabers and accessories in the galaxy, go to ultraforcesabers.com. If you have any inquiries concerning Ultraforcesabers' product inventories, contact them.